
Dr. Dirk Proeckl is a neurologist and psychologist with his own medical practice in Wörgl.Tirol, Austria. He focuses on the interaction between the psyche and the nervous system and has studied psychosomatic rehabilitation of migraines, the distribution of neurotransmitters within the central nervous system, and the epileptic potentials in the electroencephalogram.

Dr. Engelbert Winkler is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, and legal consultant for children and youth with his own practice in Wörgl, Tirol, Austria.
He studied philosophy, pediatrics and psychology in Innsbruck, and completed further studies in existential analysis, hypnotherapy and other disciplines.

In 1994 he founded a family counseling institute named “Kooperative Familienberatung” and is particularly interested in the neuronal basis and effects of Near Death Experience as well as the development of new uses of the Hypnagogic Light Experience.

At the age of 7, Dr Winkler had a transformative near death experience. This led him to extensively research analyzing the principals of the brain wave function, relaxation, meditative and their effects on health.  Inspired by his research, he worked with Dr. Proekl to create this technology, the Lucia N°03, to support the development of greater consciousness of humanity.

In recent years the doctors have been collaborating on the topic of optimizing their methods within the Hypnagogic Light Experience with the Lucia N°03 and expanding their knowledge of resulting neurophysiological and psychological processes (including the implications for understanding synesthesia).

The doctors discovered that Lucia N°03 creates wave patterns in the EEG that wouldusually only appear after several years of meditation practice.

Lucia Light

Dr. Engelbert Winkler & Dr. Dirk Proeckl The two inventors own the international patent for the Lucia N°03 Light Maschine.

The Lucia N°03 Light Machine won several international awards:


Gold Medal – IENA – Ideas-Inventions-New Products,
Nuremberg, Germany 2011


Gold Medal – International Invention Fair of the Middle East, Kuwait 2010


Bronze Medal – Salon International Des Inventions
De Genève, Switzerland 2010

Interview with the developers

* The Lucia N°03 Light is not a medical treatment or therapeutic device. Instead it turns to consciousness as a state of healing and wellbeing which is always available when not obscured by daily distractions and thought processes. 

** The Lucia N°03 is not recommended for people with epilepsy, or people who are light-sensitive to things like strobe lights, or for pregnant women and children under 18 years.  

*** Please consult your healthcare provider prior to your session if you take any medicines, have any concerns or questions about the possible side effects.